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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৫ নভেম্বর ২০১৬

NHRCB Chairman attends South Asia Women’s Regional Conference

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2016-11-15

In his speech as the Chief Guest in the second session titled “Overall situation of women in Bangladesh” Kazi Reazul Hoque said, “Bangladeshi women are becoming empowered day by day. We see them at some of the leading position in every sector. But drop-out rate of the girl students is concerning. The main reasons of this drop-out are poverty and social insecurity. Though Bangladesh has progressed in women empowerment still we have to go a long way. We need to identify the reasons for which our women are not becoming empowered in a large scale.” “Women need to be united and men should come forward to establish women’s rights,” he added