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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৫ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭

NHRCB Chairman requested Chief Election Commissioner to ban the use of Children in any illicit activities in the name of politics.

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2017-09-05

NHRCB Chairman Kazi Reazul Hoque met the Chief Election Commissioner K. M. Nurul Huda on 31st August 2017 and requested him to ban the use of children in the forefront of any procession by the political parties during all elections including the upcoming national election.

On 27th August 2017, NHRCB and Child Rights Advocacy Coalition held a round table discussion titled “Be alert to bring an end to violence against children”. In that discussion, honorable chairman said, “Children should not be used in any illicit activities in the name of politics. Each and every political leaders and each person related to the election must be aware of this.” Honorable chairman committed in the program that he would discuss the matter with CEC and send him an official letter on the issue. In this connection, he sent a DO letter to the CEC and held an official meeting with CEC at Election Bhaban, Agargaon and discussed accordingly.

Kazi Reazul Hoque mentioned that there are more or less 60 million children in Bangladesh. They are the future of our country. Many of the poor children grow up facing many challenges. Especially, they are being used as human shield at the forefront of procession. In the name of politics they are being used for picketing and other unruly activities. As a result, they are being accustomed to violent activities. He also mentioned that as Bangladesh has ratified the International Convention on Child Rights and ILO Convention 182 on Worst forms of Child Labour, the country is obliged to follow their provisions.

During the meeting, CEC K. M. Nurul Huda showed positive attitude to the request and assured honorable chairman that he would do the needful to ban the use of Children as the picketers and human shield in the name of politics during election.